WTT Insider - What it means for who lives it all the year.
Taking up an old article where we said: “A year ago it was just an idea, but step by step, between classes and chats, from simple notebook drafts, it was created […]“.
Today it has been two years, but our infant project WTT- Wearable Tech Turin and us are still here.
You may wonder: who this “we” is? The people at JEToP, Junior Enterprise Turin Polytechnic, a group of university students in constant growth in terms of quantity, quality, originality and professionalism.
In addition to sitting all day at university desks and study halls, we are also sitting in the office and in large halls where speakers and teachers show us the tricks of the trade, the trade of being adults
We learn anything that may be useful in life: from commercial to communication, to marketing and design, but also software development and partnerships. This and much more to realize that we can shine on our own, but together we are a great starry sky. In Jetop we need each other to finish small and large projects, among which the WTT.
Last year, riding together on the same wave of innovation we managed to put our passion in a pavilion in Lingotto Fiere and organize an event from scratch, attracting the attention of more than 6,000 people.
Are they many or few? We do not care because we’ve worked hard and these are our results.
We will continue because we like it and because it is useful for us college students, but also to you, high school kids, workers, parents, councilors and mayors, to see that we move in Italy, and around the world there are minds ready to get into the game for something, for some dream.
What did you do in college?
In our spare time, we like to exceed our limits, challenge our successes and understand who we really are. We have put in heart and soul to bring before your eyes what we think is the next step in everyday hi-tech, wearable devices. Today we will tell you what we felt for the first time during those days and what we expect from the next edition.
A former president, Davide, one of the creators of the WTT project.
“For me Jetop and the WTT have been the greatest personal satisfaction and the best investment of time of my life. I met great people and learned a lot. The team work culture that I have acquired will accompany me in all future experiences. I expect the WTT to be a great success, but above all I hope it means as much for the people who work on it today. In my own way I believe that I have also left a mark. “
A hardened designer, Chiara, who attended the first edition and is preparing to replicate.
“Seeing such active, motivated and competent people makes you open your eyes, and you realize that you can not stay with our arms folded. Many times I have worried that I did not have the right stuff to complete projects and I was afraid that my work didn’t meet expectations. In the end between a failures and a successes I learned to play the game, working in a team I left behind my uncertainties and gave way to new ideas born from confrontation. Today I can say that I understood what “Jetop means family” signifies and despite the sleepless nights before the WTT, if JEToP hired permanent staff, I’d sign up immediately! “
A professional nerd, Davide, who for a year has been dreaming of managing the WTT in the field.
“I have been a member of Jetop only for a few months and visiting the fair last year I could only “dream” of one day being on the other side, of being one of the organizers. That was the moment I fell in love in with the world of Junior Enterprise and decided to try out for the selections. I learned a lot in my field, ITC, working with the team on many projects, but I also collaborated and became friends with great people. They gave me the opportunity to confront myself with other realities. I realize only now how important everyones knowledge and time is, to be able to handle the details of such a large and important event in all its parts. Not much time is missing, I’m really excited! “